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It makes no sense to write

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 4:52 am
by mstfzrw028
The best way to report a problem to specialists is the corresponding option in the application. You can use it like this. Open the Instagram mobile app. Go to Profile > Settings. Help > Report a problem. Select the type of problem Complain about spam or violation of the rules by other users, Technical issues with the Instagram app, Reviews about the quality of service. After specifying the type of issue, submit a support request.

It is recommende to attach a screenshot to the letter if it better clarifies the situation. Wait for a response. Feeback from Instagram support may take several days, usually about a week. several Phone Number List messages without waiting for a response to the previous request. How long does it take for Instagram support to respond? it is impossible to give a specific meaning and answer this question. Support has a limitation framework a user question must answere within hours.


If the letter did not get anywhere, it is worth checking the semantic part of the message, whether it contradicts the solve tasks. Then it is worth asking the question again. On average, Instagram support attempts to respond within hours. The exception is the day off. The spee of the support service response also depends on the level of importance of the issue. If the message contains a topic that is not too important and serious, the answer will not the fastest.