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The BUZZMONITOR study on customer service in Fintech

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 10:07 am
by chummaa613
These are personal attributes and own qualities that allow employees to maintain an efficient interaction and a positive attitude towards work . A series of interpersonal skills and personality traits much more difficult to acquire and to evaluate. But, precisely because they are part of the person's nature, they are skills that are maintained over time. The mix between soft and hard skills is what will define how we work and how we adapt to the positions, and a good balance can mean tipping the balance in our favor in any selection processWhat do soft skills bring to the organization? As we said at the beginning, many companies are beginning to " pass " the CV to give more importance to the interpersonal skills of the candidates.

Data such as those from the study carried out by the Standford Research Institute , which shows that long-term job success is 75% due to soft skills and 25% to hard skills , support this change. of priorities. In addition, these skills are executive list a benefit for both employees and organizations: Soft skills represent the employee's ability to create interpersonal relationships that promote collaboration and teamwork , as well as a relationship with quality customers. The soft skills are not subject to a single task or role and can be applied at any time in any of the functions that the employee performs. Having employees with the appropriate soft skills implies having competent teams that will help to differentiate themselves from other organizations, which is why these profiles will be in high demand.


The application of soft skills in the work environment fosters a positive climate , improving employee satisfaction and motivation . Soft skills provide dynamism and are responsible for team empowerment , an essential factor for working within agile frameworks . Soft skills will be the decisive component against future job exclusion in the face of increasingly automated tasks given the evolution of the market in Digital Transformation. As each organization is different, they will be the ones in charge of defining in their recruitment strategy what soft skills are needed for each job position to develop optimally.